Thursday, September 20, 2012

This snake, named Obama

The New York Times describes the "snake-bit" campaign of Governor Mitt Romney, running against President B. Hussein Obama for the upcoming Presidential election.

There is a pattern here.

Obama opponents have typically been discredited, pressured, and generally ambushed and "snake bit" all through B. Hussein's career.

B. Hussein, our President, has no ethics or morals, and was raised in the subversive lore of Marxism, from the time his parents moved to place him in a school with openly Communist teachings, to his Islamic schooling in (Indonesia?), the infamous enrollment card for Bobby Soetoro.

Meaning that this election, for me, is once again not about a Black President who, contrary to the spirit of the Constitution, was not raised in America, and is as Caucasian in  ancestry as he is in African heritage. This is about the rule of law, about ethics and morals, and about whether rule by rich oligarchs disguised as mob rule should prevail.

I don't agree with George Carlin's solution, to stay home because it doesn't matter. I think there are larger issues at stake. Not only is Obama operating outside the rule of law, and beyond the constraints of the US Constitution and his oath of office, but he surrounds himself with those that hate America, hate democracy, and disrespect the Constitution.

Every person that ever wore uniform in America's service, their descendents, their neighbors, should be appalled by and opposed to B. Hussein Obama.

And so should the New York Times.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Clint made the GOP day.

Clint Eastwood played the GOP convention. That isn't news. It isn't news that his performance, as opposed to scripted, moderated, planned, orchestrated political propaganda, upset many. Or that he entertained many, as well.

Welcome, Mr. Romney, to the real world. The best things in life often stray from the script, the plan.

At a time when America was girding it's loins for the polished presentation of Romney's campaign "message", distributed over several speakers for that repetitive impact that marketing types think matter -- Mr. Eastwood gave a performance. The gist of his message, that Mr. Eastwood feels strongly that President Obama failed to serve the nation, failed to keep the promises he made to get elected, and failed to answer, fully, to accusations, criticisms, and legitimate concerns.

Mr. Eastwood did not give a political "speech", in that the words he used were the message. Mr. Eastwood's content wasn't polished and vetted, and fact-checked. But what Mr. Eastwood, and many Americans, feels, that came across quite clearly, in what may well be a campaign-affecting moment.

The Republican party so-called "leaders" failed to recognize the value of nominating Sarah Palin, that the concept of change from "business as usual" was driving the excitement behind Mrs. Palin, as is the excitement behind Ron Paul. If Clint Eastwood's message is construed by the GOP to mean that the "business as usual" presentations and platforms and goals and values don't change, they, unlike Mr. Eastwood, won't be finding an audience.